Summarization is an API that tries to extract a summary for a given document, selecting the most relevant sentences in it to try to sum up what it is about.

This API is language independent so you can use it with texts/documents in any language!


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Version Date Status
1.0 31/May/2021

1.0.9 (31/May/2021)

  • Engine has been updated.
  • A new parameter has been added, limit to set the percentage of the total sentences of the text.

1.0.4 (05/May/2020)

  • Summarization process for HTML texts has been improved.
  • Sentence fragmentation has been improved.
  • Bug related to non-unicode characters breaking the JSON output has been fixed.

1.0.3 (04/September/2019)

  • Sentence fragmentation in different languages has been improved.
  • Bug related to non-unicode characters has been fixed.

1.0.2 (03/April/2019)

  • The internal algorithm has changed for an improvement of the results for all domains.
  • Sentence segmentation has been improved (including known bug for incorrect number segmentation).
  • Now [...] is used between sentences that are otherwise non-consecutive to improve the understanding of the summary obtained.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed.

1.0.1 (19/September/2017)

  • Bug fixed for texts containing non-ascii characters.

1.0 (08/August/2017)

  • Initial version.

Click on the version number to see the changelog.


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