Here are some examples of text categorization using MeaningCloud API:
To obtain the subject categories for a short text like the following:
"The 85th Academy Awards ceremony took place February 24, 2013."
parameter to submit the text.model
parameter to use IPTC classfication model in Englishkey
parameter of
curl -XPOST "<<YOUR OWN KEY>>&of=json&txt=The%2085th%20Academy%20Awards%20ceremony%20took%20place%20February%2024,%202013.&model=IPTC_en"
{ "status": { "code": "0", "msg": "OK", "credits": "5" }, "category_list": [ { "code": "01021001", "label": "arts, culture and entertainment - entertainment (general) - entertainment award", "abs_relevance": "0.48236102", "relevance": "100" }, { "code": "08006000", "label": "human interest - award and prize", "abs_relevance": "0.28744578", "relevance": "60" } ] }
Classify an online document (URL) into reputation dimensions, for instance this news article.
parameter to submit the document by URL.model
parameter to use the Business reputation model in Spanishkey
parameter of
curl -XPOST "<<YOUR OWN KEY>>&of=json&url="
{ "status": { "code": "0", "msg": "OK", "credits": "129" }, "category_list": [ { "code": "62", "label": "Responsabilidad social - Apoyo de causas sociales", "abs_relevance": "0.59809214", "relevance": "100" } ] }