Category Archives: People Analytics

HR Analytics

People Analytics: MeaningCloud book on Amazon!

People Analytics. Data and Text Analytics for Human Resources

People Analytics. Data and Text Analytics for Human Resources. This MeaningCloud book is available on Amazon.

In People Analytics, and in this book, we use the evidence that the data provides to respond to several questions:

  • Which candidate will be high-performing, effective, loyal, and aligned with the corporate culture?
  • How can we measure the economic impact of a training program?
  • How can I segment the workforce to make their actions more effective?
  • Which people are considering leaving the organization?
  • What net benefit will employees contribute throughout time in a particular position?
  • How does employee commitment affect productivity and economic outcomes?
  • How can I design a study that is statistically and mathematically valid?

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Surveys and HR: why do you need open-ended questions?

open and closed questions

Since everyone wants to understand employees better, text-based data sources are a key factor for any organization to understand the “whys” and act on them to make improvements. Open-ended questions are one of the most effective ways to gather employee opinions; they offer them an open forum to make suggestions and present innovative ideas.

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What is the Voice of the Employee (VoE)?

Voice of the Employee. Silhouettes with bubbles representing dialog

Finding committed employees is one of public and private organizations’ top priorities. Thus, listening to the Voice of the Employee by systematically collecting, managing and acting on the employee feedback on a variety of valuable topics is essential.

The relationship between Voice of the Employee (VoE) and Engagement is very similar to the one between Voice of the Customer (VoC) and Customer Experience. VoC provides information to improve customer experience. Voice of the Employee promotes employees’ engagement in the company and their work. See: Voice of the Employee, Voice of Customer and NPS

Voice of the Employee collects the needs, wishes, hopes, and preferences of the employees of a given company. VoE considers specific needs, such as salaries, career, health, and retirement, as well as implicit requirements to satisfy the employee and gain the respect of colleagues and managers.
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