Category Archives: Voice of the Employee

Posts about the voice of the employee

People Analytics: MeaningCloud book on Amazon!

People Analytics. Data and Text Analytics for Human Resources

People Analytics. Data and Text Analytics for Human Resources. This MeaningCloud book is available on Amazon.

In People Analytics, and in this book, we use the evidence that the data provides to respond to several questions:

  • Which candidate will be high-performing, effective, loyal, and aligned with the corporate culture?
  • How can we measure the economic impact of a training program?
  • How can I segment the workforce to make their actions more effective?
  • Which people are considering leaving the organization?
  • What net benefit will employees contribute throughout time in a particular position?
  • How does employee commitment affect productivity and economic outcomes?
  • How can I design a study that is statistically and mathematically valid?

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Voice of the Employee Dashboard

Voice of the Employee gathers the needs, wishes, hopes, and preferences of all employees within an organization. The VoE takes into account both explicit needs, such as salaries, career, health, and retirement, as well as tacit needs such as job satisfaction and the respect of co-workers and supervisors. This post follows the line of Voice of the Customer in Excel: creating a dashboard. We are creating another dashboard, this time for the Voice of the Employee.

Text-based data sources are a key factor for any organization that wants to understand the “whys”.

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Accelerate text analytics’ time-to-benefit with our Vertical Packs

At MeaningCloud we have published our first Vertical Packs.

Our goal for them is to provide you with the fastest and least costly and risky way to make your text analytics initiatives profitable.

Preconfigured models and dictionaries

Usually one of the main costs of text analytics projects lies in building the models and dictionaries needed to adapt the tools to each application scenario, and at MeaningCloud we have always made it very easy thanks to the customization tools that the product includes.

But for those who do not have the resources to carry out this adaptation, the Vertical Packs give it to you already prepared for a set of scenarios. The Packs consist of a series of pre-prepared resources (dictionaries, deep categorization models, and sentiment models) focused on a series of typical scenarios (analysis of the Voice of the Customer, the Voice of the Employee, etc.) ready for immediate use and that provide analyses with an increased precision, recall, and relevance in these applications.

Use them from our add-ins for Excel

To make it easier to leverage the Vertical Packs, we have made them accessible through new add-ins for Excel, with support for the most useful operations, models, and analysis in each vertical.

Add-in for Excel

If you work for Marketing, Customer Support, or Human Resources and have thousands of comments from your customers or employees to analyze, sign up to MeaningCloud, download the corresponding add-in for Excel, paste your verbatims in a spreadsheet, press the relevant MeaningCloud button, and you will see how your comments are automatically tagged with meaningful categories for the analysis of the Voice of the Customer or the Employee.

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MeaningCloud Release: new add-ins for Excel

In the last MeaningCloud release we presented our new Deep Categorization API, a new Premium API that gives us access to two of our new vertical packs: Voice of the Customer and Voice of the Employee.

We also know that many of the target users of these functionality may not be necessarily know how to code, so with that in mind, in this latest release we are publishing two new add-ins, one for each vertical pack:

Both add-ins provide an integration with the Deep Categorization API, but focus on giving a more user-friendly approach for the analysis each one of them provides.

MeaningCloud release

The add-ins are adapted so anyone can obtain the analysis they want with just a few clicks, without worrying about API parameters or leaving the environment where they have the data to analyze.

This release also contains minor security updates as well as bug fixes in our core engines.

If you have any questions or just want to talk to us, we are always available at!

MeaningCloud Release: new Deep Categorization API

This is what we’ve included in MeaningCloud’s latest release:

  • New Deep Categorization API: we are happy to present the first of our Premium APIs, Deep Categorization 1.0, which lets you carry out an in-depth categorization of your data. In this initial release, we’ve included predefined models for analyzing the Voice of the Customer in several domains and the Voice of the Employee.
  • Language Identification 1.1: we say goodbye to Language Identification 1.0, so if you are still using it, you will need to migrate to the newest version. If you are using it through the Excel add-in, we’ve done it for you, so you just have to update your Excel add-in to the latest version.
  • New language for Text Clustering: we’ve added Catalan to the languages supported in the Text Clustering API.
  • General usability improvements: mainly in the developer area of the website.
New NeaningCloud release

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Surveys and HR: why do you need open-ended questions?

open and closed questions

Since everyone wants to understand employees better, text-based data sources are a key factor for any organization to understand the “whys” and act on them to make improvements. Open-ended questions are one of the most effective ways to gather employee opinions; they offer them an open forum to make suggestions and present innovative ideas.

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The amazing deeds of text analytics superheroes

In the last few years, the explosion of user-generated content in social media (networks, forums, communities, etc.) has significantly increased the need to extract information from unstructured content. Oddly enough, text analytics superheroes, wondrous as their achievements are, are just average guys who figured out what they could do with the right technology.

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What is the Voice of the Employee (VoE)?

Voice of the Employee. Silhouettes with bubbles representing dialog

Finding committed employees is one of public and private organizations’ top priorities. Thus, listening to the Voice of the Employee by systematically collecting, managing and acting on the employee feedback on a variety of valuable topics is essential.

The relationship between Voice of the Employee (VoE) and Engagement is very similar to the one between Voice of the Customer (VoC) and Customer Experience. VoC provides information to improve customer experience. Voice of the Employee promotes employees’ engagement in the company and their work. See: Voice of the Employee, Voice of Customer and NPS

Voice of the Employee collects the needs, wishes, hopes, and preferences of the employees of a given company. VoE considers specific needs, such as salaries, career, health, and retirement, as well as implicit requirements to satisfy the employee and gain the respect of colleagues and managers.
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