Textalytics users: how to migrate your application to MeaningCloud

Textalytics users can access MeaningCloud using the same email and password they already had. If you do not remember your password, you can reset and generate a new password.

Meaningcloud’s API authentication as well as accounting have been simplified. It now requires a single license key for all APIs and  consumption is accounted in number of requests. In order to ensure a smooth transition for client applications all the Textalytics’ API endpoints will be operational until June 1st, 2015.

Developers that use the APIs of Textalytics

If you are a user of the following functionalities and want to migrate to MeaningCloud, you can do it already. You only have to:

  1. Update the access point, since the request and response format does not change. Both HTTP and HTTPS endpoints are available.
    API Textalytics MeaningCloud
    Sentiment Analysis
    Topics Extraction
    Text Classification
    Language Identification
  2. Check your license key in MeaningCloud and make sure that you use the correct (and only) license as the value of the parameter ‘license key’ on all requests. You can copy your license key either from the Licenses section in the Account menu, or from the developers home.

For the users of the remaining APIs, you will be informed over the next few weeks.

Users of the Textalytics Add-in for Excel

If you use the Textalytics add-in for Excel and want to upgrade to MeaningCloud:

  1. Uninstall the Textalytics Add-in for Excel.
    1. Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
    2. Select the Textalitics add-in for Excel from the list of programs and click the Uninstall button
  2. Download the new version of MeaningCloud add-in for Excel which already contains the updated access points.
  3. Install the new version.
  4. Configure your license key to start analyzing texts.

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